Tables à café

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MOBEL-COPENHAGEN Lili table de salon

La table Lili Lounge illustre un mélange bien équilibré d'artisanat danois et d'esthétique japonaise qui s'unit à un design minimaliste attrayant. Avec une forme sculpturale particulièrement attrayante, Lili s’inspire de son homonyme nénuphar. Une connexion harmonieuse entre son plateau et son cadre crée une courbe élégante rendue possible par des techniques de construction et d'assemblage précises. Conçu par Takumi Hirokawa.
à partir de $1 890,00 CAD

MOBEL-COPENHAGEN Pair table d'appoint

La collection de tables d'appoint Pair se compose de deux variantes différentes d'une paire de tables, une table se chevauchant l'autre pour créer un contraste de matériaux et de surfaces solides. La table de base inférieure est fabriquée de manière unique en céramique émaillée, tandis que la table supérieure est en acier thermolaqué mat et repose sur ses trois pieds. Chaque pièce en céramique est fabriquée à la main de manière unique.
à partir de $1 890,00 CAD

MUUNDO Haaki Coffee Table

While designing the collection, we were inspired by the different natural phenomena that appear in our environment. A fascinating example are the different shapes wild mushrooms can take and how they are all soft and elegant in there appearance. We thought these shapes would be ideal to translate into a table collection.
à partir de $2 350,00 CAD

MUUNDO Laini Coffee Table

While designing the collection, we were inspired by the different natural phenomena that appear in our environment. A fascinating example are the different shapes wild mushrooms can take and how they are all soft and elegant in there appearance. We thought these shapes would be ideal to translate into a table collection.
à partir de $2 350,00 CAD

MUUNDO Maana Coffee Table

While designing the collection, we were inspired by the different natural phenomena that appear in our environment. A fascinating example are the different shapes wild mushrooms can take and how they are all soft and elegant in there appearance. We thought these shapes would be ideal to translate into a table collection.
à partir de $2 250,00 CAD

MUUNDO Usoo Coffee Table

While designing the collection, we were inspired by the different natural phenomena that appear in our environment. A fascinating example are the different shapes wild mushrooms can take and how they are all soft and elegant in there appearance. We thought these shapes would be ideal to translate into a table collection.
à partir de $2 350,00 CAD

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