<div class="full-description"> <p>MATER Ocean Dining Table - As our planet is struggling today, it seems as if it has never been more obvious that we need to take action in regard to improving the environment. We are facing a global recycling crisis with waste plastics filling the oceans, being dumped carelessly on land and blown or washed into the sea. A new innovative business model motivates fishermen across the world to dispose their discarded fishnets to the only recycling plant for fishnets in the world, located in Denmark, paying them a fair value for this scattered material, rather than dumping the nets into the ocean. In our search for a design that could fit this pioneering sustainable production method, we partnered with Dennie Ditzel, manager of the design legacy after the late Jørgen and Nanna Ditzel. Together we screened the archives for designs that could be ideal for this new material and production method of using fishnets and other ocean plastic waste, resulting in an outdoor collection we named "Ocean".</p> </div>